A one day field visit to 400/220/66 kV Malbase substation
A one day field visit to 400/220/66 kV Malbase substation during its complete maintenance and testing of 400 kV 200 MVA ICTs and power transformers including oil conditioning was organised by eACCESS cordinator of College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing Bhutan.
Mr. Cheten Tshering, Sr. Divisional Manager and Mr. Pema Wangchuk, Engineer (Electrical) Substation Maintenance Division, Transmission Department, Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd, Phuentsholing, Chhukha were the resource persons during testing and hands on training.
During one day field visit, following testings are conducted;
- Demonstartion of cooling of power transformers by oil forced and air forced cooling
- Operation of Buchholz relay
- Transformer winding ratio test
- Transformer IR test
- Winding resistence test
- Breaker operation test
Brief Profile of the Speaker
Mr. Cheten Tshering is currently serving as the Sr. Divisional Manager, Substation Maintenance Division, Transmission Department, Bhutan Power Corporation. He is an alumnus of CST, graduated in 2009, and has also served as the chief councillor of the college. He has an experience of 12 years in power transmission and distribution sector under BPC. He specializes in Power System Planning, Designing, Control and Protection.
Mr. Pema Wangchuk is currently working as maintennace engineer at Malbase 400/220/66 kV substation. He had bachelors of Engineeirng in Electrical Engineering from college of Sciecne and Technology, Bhutan in July 2014.

Development of State of the Art Power System Laboratory at CST.
The meeting on 2nd July discussed the various tests that re being performed related to power systems at Bhutan Power Coorporation, one of the biggest cooperate company in Bhutan, so that electrical engineering program of CST can align their course towards it. Over the years BPC has been employing almost 70 to 80% of the electrical engineering graduates of CST and CST wants to address the various skills gaps if there are any, especially in the technical, field. It was discussed that the syllabus content of EED at CST was robust, up to date and relevant to the need of the current market. However, there is a need for comprehensive practical’s in modules like Switch Gear and Protection, High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems there are very few practical’s although demonstrations are given to learners. The meeting felt the need for CST to know the tests performed at BPC, therefore in order to understand the need of BPC in detail an industrial visit to Singhigoan GIS 220kV/66kV substation and Malbase AIS 400kV/220kV/66kV substation was decided to be made by faculty members of EED, CST, since all the tests set up was available at Malbase SS Pasakha, Bhutan. The date of the visit was decided as 11th July 2020. An industrial field visit of 11th July 2020 planned with the aim to study the possibility of incorporating skills which the stakeholders are looking for in our graduates in the field of Power Systems, Control, Protection and High Voltage Engineering. The field visit also gave opportunity for faculty members to interact and gather feedback from the alumni of CST especially of electrical engineering programme. The alumnus was appreciative of the hard work and quality of CST graduates in the field and suggested the faculty members to maintain same rigour and standards. The alumni suggested to have laboratory experiments for switch gear and protection and also high voltage systems to further strengthen the practical skills of electrical engineering graduates. The industrial visit and tests demonstration was very helpful for faculty members of CST to undrestand the requirements for the stakeholders and realign the course content especially the practicals with support from the eACCESS project. The development of the tender documents were carried out in the next phase in accordance with the Procurement Rules and Regulations of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2019. After the preparation of the tender document, notice inviting tender will be floated in the print and other media platforms clearly specifying the process to complete the bid submission process and the dateline. Then the bid will be opened in presence of the bidders and its representative by tender opening committee. A tender committee will be instituted to oversee the overall tender processes. After the bid opening a separate bid evaluation committee will be formed with expertise in the field for which the purchase has been made. The bid will undergo evaluation process as per PRR2019 and present it to the tender committee for the award of the tender to the most suitable bidder. After the tender is awarded a suitable duration will be given to the bidder to supply the goods. When the goods have arrived, a verification team will be constituted to verify whether the supplied items are as per the tender award letter, following which if the goods are up to the standard the verification committee will submit the verification report to the tender committee. Then the bidder can claim the bid amount for the supplied goods. |

Publication on Billboard
In accordance with CBHE’s request at the kick-off meeting in Jakarta, each grantee was asked to promote Europe Union cooperation with Indonesia. Then the Soegijapranata Catholic University will install billboards for 2 weeks (16 June 2020 untul 30 June 2020) with a size of 16 meters by 8 meters with an attached design. This program is also a dissemination and promotion of the eACCESS program for Semarang residents as the center of Central Java Province. Currently in the process of printing before being installed on location.

Discussion of eACCESS and Erasmus Plus Program
A forum initiated by the International Office and Cooperation of Soegijapranata Unika in an activity called ‘Lets Talk 2 O 1’ was held last Friday (13/3) in the Green room of the Mikael building.
This event, which was held for the first time, invited two speakers, namely Dr Florentinus Budi S ST MT and Agustina Sulastri S Psi PhD Psychologist to share experiences about the opportunity to get a grant from Erasmus.
As explained by the Head of the International Office and Cooperation, Dr. Heny Hartono SS MPd, as the organizer of the “Lets Talk 2 O 1” activity.
“This forum is a forum for lecturers, students, alumni and even educational staff to share experiences related to international or global issues.”
So the hope is that through this forum, the Unika academic community will start to broaden their global horizons, then they will also have the same enthusiasm to be ready to become global citizens, he continued.
“Today’s activities are the first in 2020, and we chose the topic of the eACCESS program and how to get grants at Erasmus Plus, which focuses more on cooperation with countries in Europe,” explained Heny.
eACCESS is a joint program of 8 universities in Europe and Asia to develop a connected electric power system. In addition, this grant from Erasmus Plus is not only used for research, but also for various other things such as curriculum development. And thankfully, from Soegijapranata Unika there are already two lecturers who have succeeded in getting grants from Erasmus Plus, namely Dr. Florentinus Budi S ST MT and Agustina Sulastri S Psi PhD Psychologist.
The two Unika lecturers have received grants with different schemes. For Agustina Sulastri PhD, the key one scheme is about mobility, namely faculty, staff and student mobility. Meanwhile, Dr. Florentinus Budi has a key two scheme, which is about capacity building for higher education.
The hope is that by sharing their experiences they can be an inspiration to all the attendees, Heny concluded.
Discussion of Application Solar Panel System on Fishing Boat
Discussions with fishermen on the feasibility of using solar power in fishing boats. A solar powered boat system, in principle, is the use of conventional electric motors that are easily available in the market (with an AC voltage rating of 220 Volts and a frequency of 50 Hz) with a source of electrical energy generated by solar panels. This system is generally applied in areas where there is no source of electrical energy from PLN or conventional generators. A solar powered boat system can be designed using the components below. With how each element works as follows:
Solar panels: generate electrical energy in the form of DC voltage
MPPT: a static converter to maximize the generation of electrical energy by solar panels
Batere (Aki): to store electrical energy
Inverter: a static conveter to convert 12 Volt DC voltage to 220 Volt AC voltage for the water pump
Motor: a device capable of converting AC electrical energy into a motor rotation coupled to the propeller
In designing a solar powered boat system, some data is needed as a basis for engineering considerations, including:
Solar radiation level
Electric motor capacity
Battery storage capacity
Solar panel capacity
Based on location data, the system design is approached by the following calculations.
- Electric motor
If it is assumed that the motor used is around 1000 Watt, the minimum rating of the inverter used is 1000 Watt / inverter efficiency. If the efficiency of the inverter is 80%, the minimum rating of the inverter used is 1000 Watt / 0.8 = 1250 Watt.
- Battery
If the duration of the boat is operated without sunlight = 2 hours (evening, night or morning) then the energy required is 1000 Watt x 2 h = 2000 Wh. Assuming energy is taken from 60% of the battery capacity, the required battery is 2000 Wh / 0.6 = 3300 Wh. A 12 Volt 50 Ah battery has a stored energy of 12 V x 50 A h = 600 Wh, so that to meet the energy of 3300 Wh, 6 50 Ah batteries or other combinations are needed to reach 3300 Wh.
- Solar Panel
To determine the size of a solar panel requires the following understanding, if the effective time for available sunlight is 4 hours (10am to 14pm), assuming:
The motor can be operated for 2 hours without solar energy (via battery), it takes a total energy of 1000 Watt x 2 h = 2000 Wh / day
Energy of 2000 Wh must be generated from the conversion of solar panel energy for 4 hours so that every hour 2000/4 = 500 Wh of energy is required per hour or the equivalent of 500 Watt of power.
If the efficiency of solar panels is assumed to be 50%, a solar panel with a rating of 500 / 0.5 = 1000 Wp is needed
Summarise output of the event:
- experiment of solar panel system application
- calculation of the economic feasibility of using a solar power system

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