Our Teams
Dr. Tomasz Siewierski
Senior Lecturer/Project management, Event managertomasz.siewierski@p.lodz.pl
Dr. Tomasz Piotrowski
Senior Lecturer/ Teacher, Design and construction of laboratoriestomasz.piotrowski@p.lodz.pl
Mr. Hubert Białas
PhD Student, Lab and advertisement managementhubert.bialas@dokt.p.lodz.pl
Prof. Keshav Dahal
Project Manager, PIkeshav.dahal@uws.ac.uk
Dr. Santiago Matalonga
Lecturer/ Co-PIsantiago.matalonga@uws.ac.uk
Dr. Parag Vichare
Lecturer / Co-PIparag.vichare@uws.ac.uk
Prof. Dimitrios Lampridis
Project Managerlabridis@auth.gr
Asst. Prof. Georgios Andreou
Admin Staff, Researchergandreou@auth.gr
Dr. Varvara Katsanou
Researcher, Technical Staffvkatsano@auth.gr
Ioanna-Mirto Chatzigeorgiou
Teacher-Trainer-Researcher, Technical Staffioannamy@ece.auth.gr
Anastasia Stefanidi
Teacher-Trainer-Researcher, Technical Staffanastefa@ece.auth.gr
Prof. Rajesh Kumar Thagurathi
Professor/ Project Managerdeansct@pu.edu.np
Mr. Lalit Bikrum Rana
Assoc. Professor/CO-PIrana.lalit@gmail.com
Dr. Madhu Sudan Kayastha
Team Leader, VLE Implementationmadhusudan@pu.edu.np
Er. Purna Bahadur Pun
Er. Rameshwar Rijal
Professor / Project Manager, Focal PersonRijal_rameshwar@kec.edu.np
Er. Sushil Paudel
Senior Lecturer/CO-PIsushilpaudel@kec.edu.np
Er. Bishal Rimal
Senior Lecturer/CO-PIbishalrimal@kec.edu.np
Er. Anup KC
Senior Lecturer / Moodle Implementationanupkc@kec.edu.np
Er. Suman Shrestha
Web System Administratorsumanshrestha@kec.edu.np
Dr. Cheki Dorji
President / Managerchekidorji.cst@rub.edu.bt
Mr. Roshan Chhetri
Asst. Professor / Coordinatorroshanchhetri.cst@rub.edu.bt
Dr. Tshewang Lhendup
Asst Professor / Teachertshewanglhendup.cst@rub.edu.bt
Mr. Cheku Dorji
Lab Equipment Developmentchekudorji.cst@rub.edu.bt
Mr. Manoj Sharma
HoD / Teaching Platformmanojsharma.cst@rub.edu.bt
Mr. Namgay Tenzin
Associate Lecturer / Teachernamgaytenzin.cst@rub.edu.bt
Dr. Marsul Siregar
Lecturer / PImarsul.siregar@atmajaya.ac.id
Dr. Karel Octavianus Bachri
Asst. Professor/Teacherkarel.bachri@atmajaya.ac.id
Mr. Tajuddin Nur
Asst. Professortans@atmajaya.ac.id
Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Riyadi
Design & construction of lab and Undergraduate courses.riyadi@unika.ac.id
Dr. Florentinus Budi Setiawan
Assot.Prof. / Project Coordinatorf.budi.s@unika.ac.id
Dr. Leonardus Heru Pratomo
Felix Yustian Setiono
Arifin Wibisono